Morehead City Drug Therapy & Counseling
Morehead City Treatment Center proudly provides exceptional opiate addiction treatment, therapy, and counseling to the Morehead City, Wildwood, Beaufort, and Atlantic Beach communities. Our clinic is part of a network of private rehabilitation centers, working to assist adults struggling with heroin and opiate abuse. We utilize many services is Morehead City, like holistic therapy, counseling services, and targeted administration of certain compounds to help patients break the cycle of addiction and build a life with a bright future.
The medical portion of our treatment center is headed by an ASAM-certified physician, and includes a team of skilled and compassionate nurses who administer safe doses of Methadone and Buprenorphine to patients who qualify. These are synthetic compounds which reduce withdrawal symptoms, relieve cravings, enabling the patient to have a calmer road to recovery. Our clinic offers patients a clean and welcoming environment to receive their treatment and begin their journey to sobriety.
There is also a non-medical side of our clinic which offers behavioral and mental health services, including drug addiction counseling and therapy and family drug education in the Morehead City, Wildwood, Beaufort, and Atlantic Beach areas. These vital rehabilitative services are shown to have great success in patients’ recovery, when compared to medical treatment alone. Our Morehead City staff consists of licensed substance abuse counselors and therapists, dedicated to helping you regain control of your life and move toward a better future.
Would you or a loved one like more information about our Beaufort, Wildwood, Atlantic Beach, and Morehead City counseling, therapy, or opiate addiction treatment programs? Reach out to us today and our team will answer your questions.

Recovery Starts Now
Overcoming addiction can be difficult, but you are not alone.